11 tips to SEO beginners guide for Blogger
How SEO can help beginners to guide them through Blogger. In 11 easy steps that I follow to the book for my blogs to be ranked good for readers and google spiders.
1. Update your blog often and add original articles or content. One post per day is enough so that google bot will vizit your blog daily.
2. Chose you title carefully, use relevant keywords to your title. Also your title should be short and concise. View Optimize SEO title tag in Blogger - H2 tags to learn how to chose the best SEO title for your posts.
3. Use many keywords in your post content as you can but don't spam. For a human reader, repetition (spam) is not well seen, but used correctly, the google spider will see a page optimized and will increase your rank in search engine. Better google page and will increase your position.
4.Use relevant to topic keywords in content to increase SEO.
5.Point out keywords by bold or italics.
6.Use labels (tags) to each post. Tags help sites increase the density of a word on the site and help the user to easily find other articles from the same category.
7.Index your blog to directories, blog directories, search engines, activ in forums, blogs.
8.Allow users to share blog articles on social networks and social bookmarks sites.
9.Chois the best name for your blog address, that contains keywords and define blog niche.
10.Buy a domain name, i use google to buy my domains.
11.Structure your blog and create a connection between the posts either by installing a plugin to add under each post or the like by inserting links to other posts on keywords.
Yes, i use doffolow link in comments and author URL
To increase the speed of indexing, submit your site to many statistic sites.
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