For designing a high traffic website you need to follow some rules for search engine optimization. This list of the best search engine optimization techniques is a must have for advance users and beginners also.
Below you will find some of the best search engine optimization techniques that i use to increase rankings with Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and other Internet search engines.
This list includes some of best search engine optimization techniques with positive factors in SEO, negative and neutral factors in SEO (search engine optimization).

Best search engine optimization techniques list part I (First 25 rules)
- Keywords in title tag This is one of the most important places to have a keyword placed because what is written inside the tag shows in search results. Your title tag must be short (6 or 7 words maxim) and the specific keyword that your are trying to rank for must be placed first. For more on this topic see Page titles SEO tag - the right way. For example: if you are trying to rank for phrase "search engine optimization techniques" your title tag will look something like this "Search engine optimization techniques - best practice"
- Keywords in URL - site title Keywords in URLs help a lot because the URL is first thing that pops up in search engines. The most important factor in search engines - for example - Http :/ / / seo-services.html, where "SEO services" is the keyword phrase you are trying to get a better rank.
- Keyword density in document text Another very important factor you should check. 3-7% for major keywords is best, 1-2 for minor. Keyword density of over 10% is suspicious and looks more like keyword stuffing, than a naturally written text.
- Keywords in anchor text Also very important, especially for the anchor text is inbound links, because if your keyword in the anchor text in a link from another site, this is considered to obtain a vote on that site , not only for your site, in general, but the key word in particular.
- Keywords in headings Another case where keywords matters is in headings. But make sure that the page contains real text about that keyword.
- Keywords at the beginning of a document The matter, although not as much as anchor text, title tag or headings. However, bear in mind that the beginning of a document is not necessarily the first paragraph - for example, if you use tables, the first paragraph of text could be in the second half of the table.
- Keywords in image tags Spiders do not read images, but they read text descriptions in the tag, so if you have images on your page, fill the tag with some keywords about them.
- Keywords in meta tags Less important, especially for Google spiders, but Yahoo! and Bing still rely on them, so if optimizing for Yahoo! or Bing, fill these tags properly.
- Proximity Keyword Proximity to show how close the keywords in text, are the key words, from each other. It is best if they are immediately one after another ("dog training", for example), without any words between them. Keyword proximity is applicable for keyword phrases consisting of two or more words.
- Long tail Keyword phrases In addition to keywords, you can optimize for phrases consisting of several words - eg "SEO services for begginer". It is best when the optimized key phrases are most popular, so you can get a lot of the exact sequence of search results, but sometimes it makes sense to optimize for 2 or 3 separate keywords ("SEO" and "services") than just a phrase that could only occasionally get an exact match.
- Secondary Optimizing for secondary keywords This can be a gold mine because when everybody else optimizes for popular keywords will be less competition (and probably more hits) for pages that are optimized for small words. For example, "New Jersey real estate" could be thousands of times fewer hits than "real", but if it operates in New Jersey, you get less but considerably more targeted traffic.
- Search Results For English this is not so much a factor as words from the same root (eg, dog, dogs, etc.) are considered related and if you have "dog" page, Veit receive hits "dog" and "dogs", but for other languages, keywords that result could be a problem because different words from the same root can be regarded as unrelated and may be needed to optimize for however.
- Synonyms keywords Optimizing In addition to the main keywords use synonyms for target keywords. This is good for sites in English, for which search engines are smart enough to use synonyms and when ranking sites, but for many other languages synonyms are not taken into account when when calculating rankings and relevancy.
- Keyword spelling errors Keyword spelling errors are very common and if you know your keywords are targeted popular misspellings or alternative spellings, you may be tempted to optimize for them. Yes, this might bring you some more traffic but having spelling mistakes on your site do not leave a good impression, so it would be better not do, or, if all you do , to be only in meta tags.
- Dilution keywords When optimizing for an excessive amount of keywords, especially unrelated, this will affect the performance of all key words so that even the most important will be lost (diluted) in the text.
- Crowding keywords Any swelling artificial keyword density (10% and over) is filling and you risk being excluded from the search engines.
- Anchor text of inbound links As discussed in the Keywords section, it is one of the most important factors for good rankings. It is best if you have a keyword in the anchor text, but even if it is still OK.
- Origin of inbound links Besides the anchor text is important if your site that links to you is one leading or not. in general, sites with greater Google PR are considered reputable.
- Links from similar sites Having links from similar sites is very, very helpful. This indicates that you vote in the competition and that are popular in your community.
- Links from sites like Edu and Gov These links are valuable for sites .Edu and .Gov are more than famous than fields. Com. Biz. Info, etc.. In addition, such links are difficult to obtain. Number of backlinks
- Generally, the more the better. But the reputation sites (High PR sites) that link to one of your site or page is more important than their number. Also important is their anchor text, if there is a keyword in it, how old are they, etc..
- Anchor text of internal links This matter also, though not as much as the anchor text of inbound links.
- Around the anchor text The text, which is immediately before and after anchor text is also still relevant because it indicates the connection, for example, if the link is artificial or integrated into the text.
- Age of inbound links The more ancient the inbound links are, the better. Many new links, acquired in a short time suggests that they are purchased.
- Links from High PR Directories Great, although it depends largely on the guidelines. Being listed in DMOZ, Yahoo and other similar directories is a great boost for ranking. But to have tons of links from PR0 directories is useless and may even be regarded as spam if you have hundreds or thousands of links.

To be continued...
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